The chicken comes first.
For so long the egg industry has been dominated by the egg but we’re turning this around, the real hero of the egg industry is the chicken! We are working hard every day to lead by example and show the world that when the chicken comes first they can lovingly lay the perfect egg!

Our hens lay perfect eggs.
The quality of an egg is reflective of the life of the hen who laid it. Our hens live a life designed to allow them to lovingly lay eggs with strong shells, thick whites, and vibrant yolks!
Our Mission
You know that age old question, what comes first the chicken or the egg - the answer was a no brainer for us,

Leading by Example

Spacious Roaming Pastures.
We are leading by example with more space for our flocks!
Our unique shed layout allows more roaming space for our flocks compared to other Free Range farms.

Only Free Range Hens.
We are leading by example with our exclusively Free Range raised hens.
We have ZERO caged, ZERO colony, and ZERO barn hens.

Closed-Loop Farming Principles.
We are leading by example through closed-loop farming principles.
Our hens manure is used to fertilise local crop fields, fostering crop production.

Vibrant Coloured Yolks.
We are leading by example through always putting the chicken first!
The quality of an egg is reflective of the life of the hen who laid it. Our hens live a life designed to allow them to lovingly lay eggs with strong shells, thick whites, and vibrant yolks!