The 6 S's for eg. hens!

  • Safe and Sound.

    Hens are very aware of their surroundings and prefer to go about their day with a feeling of safety and comfort.

    So we provide Climate Controlled Laying Sheds! A safe place to sleep, lay and play.
  • Scratching and Socialising.

    Hens love scratching around in dry dirt and sand, enjoying a dust bath, and socialising with their friends.

    So we provide the Covered Conservatory. A sheltered place to dust bathe, snooze and, catch up with the gals!
  • Seeking and Snacking.

    Hens like to be excited by the things they find whilst exploring. And if they find an insect or 2 along the way...delicious!

    So we provide Roaming Ranges. A place to explore with friends and find an insect or two to snack on!