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eg. is all about leading by example.

The Story of eg.

It all started with a man, some chooks, and an idea to lift the industry standards.

That age old question, "what comes first, the chicken or the egg?" it's quite simple really. Here at eg., the chicken always comes first.

From day 1, we have been a Free Range Farm. We simply asked ourselves, what do hens love, and the eg. farm came to life. And every day since, we have been working hard to lead by example and create meaningful change for hens everywhere.

We have nothing to hide and everything to give, and by challenging the ordinary we hope to inspire others to be eggstraordinary too!

The eg. Farm Timeline


Construction is underway!

Early 2023

Our queens have arrived! We are so excited to welcome them to eg.! A place where the chicken comes first!

Mid 2023

It's time to share eg. with the country!

Late 2023

All systems go! 60,000 gorgeous girlies, living their best lives! We are also making waves by using our manure in closed-loop efforts!


Breaking into the retail space and continuing to share our story with New Zealand! Oh and we now have 90,000 hens!

To be continued...

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