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Taste the Difference.

When it comes to chickens and eggs no one really knows what came first. Here at eg. though, we knew the answer straight away - the chicken comes first! It’s simple really, when the chicken comes first they are able to lay the perfect egg! So not only do our chickens live a life made for hens, they also lay the perfect egg for our customers - so really it’s a no brainer!
#free range

When it comes to chickens and eggs no one really knows what came first. Here at eg. though, we knew the answer straight away - the chicken comes first! It’s simple really, when the chicken comes first they are able to lay the perfect egg! So not only do our chickens live a life made for hens, they also lay the perfect egg for our customers - so really it’s a no brainer!

There are several reasons how the chicken comes first at the eg. farm. We pride ourselves on being an only Free Range farm. Each and every hen lives a Free Range life and, we are working hard every day to improve even the Free Range standards! 

Our farm is approximately 240 hectares, allowing us to increase the roaming space for each of our flocks. This was made possible by the unique layout of our chicken sheds giving more space between each flock and shed. Other Free Range farms tend to have their sheds laid out row by row, limiting the space between the sheds.

A large part of a Free Range lifestyle is allowing hens to carry out their natural behaviours. At eg. we think from our hens point of view, as their the ones living on the farm and laying the eggs, not us! Hens love to scratch, forage and play in a safe environment and this was the base of how the eg. Farm came to life. Firstly, each of our flocks are housed in state of the art, climate controlled laying sheds! Designed by the Big Dutchman, these sheds are equipped with an aviary styled interior which allows hens the freedom to sleep, lay and play in a safe and spacious environment. Secondly, our Covered Conservatories allow our hens access to an outdoor sheltered area for scratching, dust-bathing and catching up with their friends. Furthermore, span the roaming ranges filled with trees, shrubbery and jungle gyms. Our hens love to explore and dig for insects in the grass, play in the jungle gyms and burrow amongst the shrubbery. We have also purposely positioned our hens sheds and ranges next to a large pine forest so when the gates are left open, our hens can wander the forest too! By doing so, our hens can explore a habitat reflecting the one in which their ancestors lived in, and their manure acts as a fertiliser promoting excellent tree and plant growth for the forest too! 

So how does all of this create the perfect egg? Well! You get out what you put in, right? The eg. lifestyle allows our hens to be happy and healthy, creating the perfect environment for them to lay a perfect egg. This includes laying an egg with a strong brown shell and thick, fluffy egg whites! Their ability to forage for grass and insects also contributes to a perfect egg as the extra nutrients is what creates that gooey golden yolk! 

So, when the chicken comes first you can see and taste the difference in the eggs you buy! That’s why we encourage you to seek eg. eggs next time you’re at the shops and experience the difference for yourselves. Not only are you supporting our mission to create meaningful change for hens in the egg industry but your eggs never tasted better!

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