The story of eg.

Free Range since day 1.
It all started with a man, some chooks, and an idea to lift the industry standards.
"That age old question, "what comes first, the chicken or the egg?" it's quite simple really. Here at eg., the chicken always comes first.
From day 1, we have been a Free Range Farm. We simply asked ourselves, what do hens love, and the eg. farm came to life. And every day since, we have been working hard to lead by example and create meaningful change for hens everywhere.
We have nothing to hide and everything to give, and by challenging the ordinary we hope to inspire others to be eggstraordinary too!
eg. Profile.
Established in 2022, we currently have 60,0000 Free Range hens. Our farm is based in Bulls, Rangitikei and spans approx. 240 hectares - that's the same as 480 rugby fields!
Our eggs are currently available to households and businesses based in the lower North Island for online ordering! Stay tuned for eg. eggs coming to a shelf near you soon...!
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